sreda, 31. december 2014
Novo novo novo...
Hvala vam, ker ste, hvala vam, ker skupaj ustvarjamo boljši in lepši svet. Želim vam Srčen vstop v Novo Naredimo to skupaj na prehodu iz starega v novo leto, točno ob polnoči, vstopimo skozi portal - a velja?! :
"Predstavljajte si, da stojite pred velikim portalom... pred velikimi zlatimi vrati..
In ko se portal odpre, vidite pred seboj čudovito pokrajino, nov način življenja, življenje harmonije, miru in veselja, in življenje iz srca in duše.
In kaj, če bi vas Varuhi tega... portala prosili le za eno stvar, da lahko vstopite skozi portal - in to je, da pustite svoje staro življenje, staro razmišljanje, delovanje in prevzamete novo višje vibrajoče telo, in srce polno ljubezni, miru in veselja, in življenja iz srca in da se 100% zavežete temu?
Bi se strinjali s tem?
To je to, kar se vas prosi v temu trenutku v času.
Izbira je vaša.
ponedeljek, 22. december 2014
MISEL DNEVA 7 B'ATZ/CHUEN New moon Sprejemam, da se vse dogaja z razlogom, da naključij ni....globok spanec, mi v tem času ne bo koristil. Življenje je igra, v kateri nastopamo. In prav je, da postojimo za hip in si rečemo: "Življenje je lepo"...Naučimo se delovati spontano in intuitivno. Delaj, kar ti prišepetava srce, ne le tistega, za kar um zagotavlja, da je pametno in smiselno. Nekatera dejanja čiste ljubezni so zelo nesmiselna, celo neumna v očeh drugih, a to ni Včasih lahko traja zelo dolgo, preden seme ljubezni skali v trdem mrzlem srcu, toda ko je zasejano, bo prej ali slej obrodilo sadove. Zato zaupaj ... SRCU! Obrat vase sploh ni obrat...pomeni samo to, da smo prej tekali za to željo, tekali in tekali in znova in znova prišli do razočaranja. Ko uvidimo resnico, da nas tekanje za željami ne privede nikamor, se ustavimo. Uživajmo torej v preprosti svobodi,da gremo vase, kadarkoli le moremo,ob tem bo umetnost meditacije rasla in se poglabljala. Čeravadi čeravadi, je dejal Gautama BUDA, NAPREJ, NAPREJ, VSELEJ NAPREJ♥ OBJEM
sobota, 13. december 2014
To je čas, da nas spomni, da lahko zavestno usmerimo pozornost na svoje življenje. Naučili se bomo, kaj vse lahko naredimo zase v teh dneh in kako se uglasiti z ritmom narave in energijami, ki so nam na razpolago.
Večerna delavnica s pričetkom ob 19h do 22h.
V Cityoga, Ul. Jožeta Jame 12,Ljubljana
Cena: 30 eur
Prijave in informacije: ali Nadine 040/334-268
Zakaj se udeležiti delavnice?
Ker imamo možnost/priložnost, da postavimo energijo tako, da se najprej očistimo vsega, kar ne potrebujemo več in prikličemo vse tisto, kar želimo, da se manifestira/izpolni v prihajajočem se letu. Lahko smo zelo uspešni pri postavljanju svojih želja, da se tudi udejanjijo. Dotaknili se bomo planetarnih astroloških energij, njihovih vplivov ter kako si najbolje pomagati, da ta čas najbolje uporabimo za razvoj na svoji življenjski poti.
Na delavnici boste:
- globlje spoznali življenje in sebe
- prejeli spoznanja po rešitvi svojih težav
- prejeli vedenje, kako lahko spremenite svoj dosedanji način življenja na bolje
- dobili priložnost za osvoboditev iz vsakodnevne ujetosti
- poglobili razmišljanje o tem, kaj želite spustiti za seboj
- prepoznali, kako odpustiti sebi in drugim
- zmogli zdravljenje na vseh ravneh
Zakaj je božič najprimernejši čas za to?
Čas med 20.12. in 31.12. je še toliko močnejši, ker se tudi planeti tako razvrstijo, da se odprejo t.i. Zvezdna vrata, ki vso našo energijo močno okrepijo s pozitivno energijo Angelskega sveta. Lahko si resnično želimo lepih in uspešnih stvari, boljših odnosov, kajti vse kar si želimo v tem času, se bo zaradi močnega vpliva kozmične energije pomnožilo. Zvezda vrata bodo na široko odprta vse do 12.01.2015, ko bomo vse naše želje so-kreirali in jih odposlali v vesolje.
Delavnico vodi:
Nadine Radesky, ki se je delavnice prvič udeležila ''dvanajst svetih dni božiča'' pri Ambikanandi leta
Sprejmem dobro. Sprejmite dobro....
četrtek, 11. december 2014
Starejši so modrejši
danes sem v trgovini ujela pogovor starejše gospe in njene vnukinje, ki je babico povprašala po tem, kako se sooča z mrazom. Gospa se je nasmehnila in dodala, da povsem preprosto, zgolj poveča toploto v srcu in svoji notranjosti in ji noben mraz ne more do živega.
Mogoče malo kičasto lep odgovor ampak z višjega vidika je v njem vsekakor zaslediti smisel in zrno resnice. Naj hladnejši dnevi, torej predstavljajo izziv na področju povišanja stopnje srčne aktivnosti in stika z našimi najvišjimi energijami.
JU3 PA PORTAL 12:12 OB 12H
Z 12.12. nam je Lightworkerjem dano darilo, da lahko sprejmemo še večje
kvotiente Luči in Velika Bela Bratovščina bo z nami, in bo delala na tem, da
se naša moč nošenja Luči poveča več stokratno...Kuthumi pravi, da količina
Luči, ki jo bodo sedaj pošiljali, ni bila dana niti za časa Zlate
Atlantide... s tem Mojstri izražajo vero v nas, da lahko preobrazimo stari
svet starih zavesti in sidramo Nov Svet.
Prejeli bomo močno iniciacijo v kronsko čakro, kamor se bo zasidralo 12
principov 12 Dimenzije Božje Zavesti, ki tvorijo našo osebno 12 petalno Rožo
Luči...ti principi nam bodo pomagali priti v našo resnično moč-pozdravili
bodo naše rane-kjerkoli smo v stari paradigmi bili ranjeni, bili žrtev, bili
nemočni... Letošnje leto je leto, ko prihajamo Ligtworkerji v svojo resnično
moč (Year of empowerement)...z osebno rožo luči bomo še lažje stopili iz
matrice iluzij, ki je zgrajena na zlorabi moči...
Iniciacijo v Rožo Luči bo vodil Kuthumi, Merlin, Lady Guinevere, Bela
Bratovščina, Sir Lancelot. Kaj vse se meni odpira(tako kot se odpira roža,
se mi odpirajo nove dimenzije življenja, na vseh ravneh) po tej iniciaciji,
in po 11.11.-odpira se mi Anglija, Francija, nove dimenzije partnerstva...
verjamem, da je vse rezultat 15 letnega dela na sebi, a tudi iniciacije kot
te niso naključja, so KLJUčI do nas samih..
Popeljani bomo v Šolo Misterijev Camelota (Camelot Mystery School), ki se
nahaja v 12 Dimenziji in prejeli ROŽO LUČI. Roža Luči uteleša 12 Božanskih
Principov višje Zavesti. Kuthumi: 'S to iniciacijo boste sidrali svojo
osebno Rožo Luči, z 12 petali, hkrati pa boste sidrali Rožo Luči za vso
Zemljo, in s tem se bo sidrala 12 Dimenzija na Zemlji, tako kot je v
Nebesih...zakaj je 12 Dimenzija tako pomembna in zakaj imamo Mojstri sedaj
fokus na 12 D? Zato, ker iz te dimenzije Mojstri sporočamo sporočila
človeštvu...z vašo osebno povezavo z 12 Dimenzijo se bo vaša povezava z nami
in Nebesi izjemno povečala...'
12 Poti naše Destiny in 12 poti Destiny naše Terre-Zemlje... preživimo dan s tistimi, ki jih imamo radi(ne pozabimo nase;)), in počnimo tisto kar imamo radi-ker to nas daje in
nas drži v visokih frekvencah, ki SMO.
Objem Vsem, vse dobro :))))))))
p.s. celoten posnetek 3 urne meditativne iniciacije naročite pri Katarini :)
Stvarnikove Karte res reees sežejo v globino. Velikokrat, ko kdo potegne karto ali pade karta sama ven... pade vedno sporočilo, ki dobesedno zareže in zbudi spečo RESNICO, ki jo skušamo prikriti ali katere si nočemo priznati. In velikokrat, ko ponudim osebi reading, jih odgovori oz. sporočila kart do solz dotaknejo, ko privre resnica ven. Vedno imajo pravi odgovor za vsakega Sem res počaščen, da smem biti iniciiran v Karte Stvarnika, Asante Sana Anita Akaša Ho IK. Pa za konec še besede, ki so jih zašepetali... Karte niso za vedeževanje - karte nas prebudijo, odprejo, transformirajo, ozavestijo tisto pred čemer si zatiskamo oči, ter nam predajajo Modrost, Ljubezen, Milino, Mir in tisto, kar v danem trenutku potrebujemo s strani Stvarnika Najvišje in Najčistejše Svetlobe. Amen. Kristjan Hun Lahun Kan
Karte stvarnika so "zakon" So unikatne ročno izdelane za vsakega posebej. Nastale iz "nič". Najprej je bila zamisel, potem manifestacija. Odpirajo nova poglavja v človekovem življenju. So žive, dihajo z nami. Povezujejo nas z vibracijami narave in kozmosa. Omogočajo nam uvid v neznano. Vsaka karta odpira novo dimenzijo v tistemu, ki jo spoštuje. Hvala Akaši Ho Ik, da je bila poklicana k stvarjenju kart. So večna manifestacija in kreacija Božanskega. Dlje jih uporabljaš, več znanja in intuicije se odpira. Podpiram jih, cenim jih in živim z njimi.*** Aki
sreda, 10. december 2014
TEMA GAIA zdravilnega kroga:
Tokratno energetsko-informacijsko delo bo vodeno v smeri:
Stopiti ONSTRAN vseh vzrokov, razlogov, razlag, zgodb, razmišljanj in čustvovanj v prostor takojšnje manifestacije spremembe, ki si jo želimo, v sozvočju z zavestjo Stvarnika. Naše osebne razloge za zadrževanje manifestacije te spremembe bomo prepoznali kot čisto iluzijo in nato predali v transformacijo.
Ta zdravilni krog bo energetsko usklajen z aktualnim sidranjem nove zavesti na Zemlji ob prazniku Solsticija, z zavestjo stvarnika - njegovega načina manifestacije.
TEMA GAIA zdravilnega kroga:
Tokratno energetsko-informacijsko delo bo vodeno v smeri:
Stopiti ONSTRAN vseh vzrokov, razlogov, razlag, zgodb, razmišljanj in čustvovanj v prostor takojšnje manifestacije spremembe, ki si jo želimo, v sozvočju z zavestjo Stvarnika. Naše osebne razloge za zadrževanje manifestacije te spremembe bomo prepoznali kot čisto iluzijo in nato predali v transformacijo.
Ta zdravilni krog bo energetsko usklajen z aktualnim sidranjem nove zavesti na Zemlji ob prazniku Solsticija, z zavestjo stvarnika - njegovega načina manifestacije.
Z Radostjo in Svetlobo -
Prisrčno vabljeni :)
Prisrčno vabljeni :)
A Gift for You! Download The Hidden Power of the Heart eBook for Free. One of HeartMath’s classics, speaks to you in a warm and friendly style, like a good frie...nd. Hidden Power of the Heart is a powerful story giving new insights into the power of the heart to increase intelligence and heighten emotional awareness. It combines wisdom with practical tools and techniques to develop your heart intelligence. Click link for free download,
ponedeljek, 8. december 2014
nedelja, 7. december 2014
Divine synchronicity means that many of us will be at Shimaras for the December Retreat at this time....who knows what will happen...will keep you posted....xx
IS:IS Portal Activation Part II, 15th december at 5:11 am UTC
~ The return of the Goddess is ahead, be part of this sacred and unique Activation! ~
It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the time of the Uranus Pluto square on December 15th, 2014. Many of us will gather and anchor the energies of the Goddess Vortex and will be thus creating a clear and harmonious channel of manifestation for the final liberation the planet.
It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the time of the Uranus Pluto square on December 15th, 2014. Many of us will gather and anchor the energies of the Goddess Vortex and will be thus creating a clear and harmonious channel of manifestation for the final liberation the planet.
IS:IS portal activation will happen at the exact moment of the Uranus Pluto square astrological configuration on December 15th (or December 14th, depending on your time zone). At the moment of the activation, transiting ascendant in Cairo will conjunct Mercury and Chariklo in exact conjunction with the Galactic Center, thus activating the configuration (view Image in full article).
At the moment of the activation of the portal, Shapley Attractor will send a pulse of energy towards our local cluster of galaxies for the very first time in known history, creating an energy triangle between the Milky Way galaxy, M31 galaxy in Andromeda and M33 galaxy in Triangulum, effectively starting the final triangulation of cosmic anomaly of darkness and its absorption into the Light. Shapley Attractor, positioned at 2 degrees Scorpio, will make strong aspects with Moon and Lilith at the time of the activation. This will open the door for very strong Goddess energies which will bathe this universe, coming directly from the Source.
At the moment of the activation of the portal, Shapley Attractor will send a pulse of energy towards our local cluster of galaxies for the very first time in known history, creating an energy triangle between the Milky Way galaxy, M31 galaxy in Andromeda and M33 galaxy in Triangulum, effectively starting the final triangulation of cosmic anomaly of darkness and its absorption into the Light. Shapley Attractor, positioned at 2 degrees Scorpio, will make strong aspects with Moon and Lilith at the time of the activation. This will open the door for very strong Goddess energies which will bathe this universe, coming directly from the Source.
Shapley Attractor is the largest known structure in the universe, a supermassive gravitational anomaly which shapes the structure of space-time continuum in our sector of the Universe:
Energies of the Goddess will create a spark of awakening in members of the Order of the Star (incarnated souls of Lightworkers and Lightwarriors), and those energies will begin to arrange the 144,000 incarnated souls into a sacred geometry mandala so that each soul will assume its proper position that will be needed for that soul to carry out its mission before and during the Event.
We will be transmitting those strong energies into the planetary Light grid.
petek, 5. december 2014
sobota, 29. november 2014
11 Toj / Muluc ali VODA
To je dan, ko se odkupiš za svoje življenje, za vse ugodnosti, ki si jih prejel, kot tudi izraziš prošnjo, da ne prejmeš več ovir na svoji poti. Dan, ko prižgeš sveti ogenj, ki predstavlja Sonce, in prosiš za prepoznanje svojih potreb, kot tudi ozdraviš svoje bolezni, saj te sveti ogenj osvobodi vseh negativnih energij. Ta energija te lahko dvigne na isto raven kot je vrhovno božanstvo, da ti je lahko sojeno dobrohotno, kar te obnovi in napolni z življenjem ter prinese upanje. S to ceremonijo prosiš tudi za mir s Ajawom, Kreatorjem, Velikim Duhom in Stvarnikom, naravo in kozmosom.
Maya so uporabljali vodo pri svečanih obredih, krstih in očiščevanju. Te svečanosti so izvajali za priklic kolektivne moči in harmonije. Moč vode leži v tvojih občutkih. To je svet čustev in voda te uči, da se čustva lahko spremenijo tako kot plima in oseka. Tako kot voda tudi čustva potrebujejo valovanje, da bi se lahko nadaljevalo zdravljenje. Bodi nežen s seboj in plavaj s tokom. Očisti telo, um, dušo in duha. Energija teče tja, kamor gre pozornost. Združi se s seboj in se zavedaj trenutka ZDAJ. Dober dan, da premisliš in ugotoviš, kaj je tisto potrebno za ohranjanje prijetnih in produktivnih odnosov. Izkaži hvaležnost vsem tistim, ki te podpirajo, in si izberi kakšno obveznost, ki jo boš brezpogojno naredil njim v spoštovanje. Zavedaj se svoje spiritualne kozmične narave, odpri svoje bistvo globoki podpori in obilju vesolja ter začuti svojo božansko naravo v sebi in svoji okolici.
petek, 28. november 2014
za najmlajše...
dobro jutro *****
maxi and amy že čakata na risanko...
danes sem izbrala Larino zvezdico
maxi and amy že čakata na risanko...
danes sem izbrala Larino zvezdico
hi* everyone...
HI Everyone, this Sunday's Nov 30th theme for the 3.33pm meditation is:- WE pray, meditate and send healing, calling on the Ascended Masters to give us COURAGE to speak out when guided to , with LOVE.......xx
četrtek, 6. november 2014
Munay KI ob Polni Luni v Templju 7 Blagoslovov
sreda, 5. november 2014
Ca Hun Lahun Kan
torek, 4. november 2014
Če želite biti priskrbljeni glede denarja, hrane, časa in priložnosti ali pa si želite, da bi imeli česar koli več, je tu mogočna molitev. Med izrekanjem naslednje molitve izgovarjajte vsako ime počasi, da bi občutili energijo slehernega imena:
»Ljuba Abundancija… Damara… Dana… Ganeš… Lakšmi… in Sedna…
Hvala za bogato oskrbo v mojem življenju, hvala, da me obdarjate s čudovitimi priložnostmi, zaradi katerih lahko izražam svojo božansko luč in koristim drugim. Hvala za mir, srečo in ljubezen, ki mi jih prinašate. Hvala za ves čas in energijo, s katerima lahko izpolnim svoje sanje in želje. Hvala za obilno denarno podporo in oskrbo. Hvaležno sprejemam vse vaše darove in vas prosim, da mi jih še naprej pošiljate.«
Doreen Virtue: Nadangeli in vnebovzeti
nedelja, 2. november 2014
Mother Meera
Q: Why do you teach in silence? Mother Meera: People want lectures; I give them silence. For the mind to flower it has to go beyond what it knows. (photo: Mother Meera in Berlin) |
Q: I see so much madness and greed in the world it is hard to believe that the transformation of man and the world is possible.
Mother Meera: What you see is, but the goodness in man is also real. The longing for God is real – it is man’s most true reality. And God loves man absolutely. The transformation will happen but it will take time and go slowly. Its foundations have to be made firm.
Today is World Vegan Day
If you are feeling guided to become vegan, here is a practical guidebook that I wrote with a registered dietitian and nutritionist. include: how to incorporate delicious organic and nutritious vegan food into your diet, how to be a vegan when your family isn't, ways to stay vegan while traveling and during holidays, and much more.
I have been a 100% vegan since 1996, and have never felt more energetic, healthy, and youthful in my life.
To instantly download this book, please see:
Doreen Virtue
sobota, 1. november 2014
petek, 31. oktober 2014
Happy Halloween and Samhain ♥ /odpiranje svetih vrat...
Happy Halloween and Samhain Blessing to you all dear ones! Sending you all lots of LOVE
Samhain, eden največjih keltskih in poganskih praznikov, se začne ob sončnem zatonu 31. oktobra.
Vsako leto ga praznujemo v ritualu posvetitve preteklosti, ki prepušča prestol sedanjosti.
Ta noč je posebna noč. Tančice med svetovi so tanke, subtilne in prosojne....
Dear Initiates of the Great Awakening,
As a result of our foundational work in the preliminary Rites, including years of personal purification endurance, we begin to make noticeable passage into brand new perceptions in which a phenomenal new world can be gradually perceived.
This matrix of expanded awareness, often termed the 'Divine Reality', can finally be perceived due to the transparent nature of the transfigured and renounced personality.
It is then that we are able to go much deeper; into the interior of our consciousness in order to penetrate the reality that lies behind thought, beyond the rationalizing mind.
The ultimate truths of our universe are more easily grasped through the light of Divine Intuition. With the clarity of this inner vision restored, we come to remember our intrinsic nature as immortal aspects of the one supreme Presence. From this embodied knowing, life opens you up into incredible potentials.
Divine Intuition Bestows Revelation
In the spirit of clarity, the authentic expression of Divine Intuition has no relation to psychic abilities. It is neither related to the common flashes of insights that we receive regarding other people or situations in our lives.
What this refers to is intuitive power by which the Soul comprehends its authentic nature. The Divine Presence is perceived through the sight of the Soul. It is the inherent knowing of that which is beyond the scope of human reason and intellect.
It is through Divine Intuition that we experience ourselves not as a human body but as immortal indwelling consciousness, one with Source essence.
When the Divine Intuition is active, there is no doubt. This intuitive mind is quick, precise and infallible. It is very different from the slow and methodical workings of the human mind which errors and separates.
The swiftness through which we are able to perceive, understand and resolve situations is a clear sign that we are functioning under the benevolent influence of Divine Intuition.
Intuition bestows revelation, and when activated, we progress rapidly in our comprehension of the spiritual light and the underlying unity inherent in all things.
Opening the Spiritual Eye of Intuitive Vision
Recognition of the truer reality only becomes possible when we are impersonal and free from the reactions of the lower self. We cannot evolve our consciousness any further until the human attachments and unnecessary distractions in our lives are replaced with a sincere, selfless motive.
As greater detachment is made from our human desires and senses, Divine Intuition awakens.
In this Rite of Passage we are going much deeper, to penetrate the reality that lies behind sensory perception and beyond the cognitions of the rationalizing mind.
Intuition exists behind the layers of matter and physical energy, behind thought. To access this background vibration, our human mind has to be calmed and neutralized from mental restlessness.
A developed ability to focus is required in order to hold our concentration and steadiness in the pure clear spiritual light. It is then that Divine Intuition drops into the "peace"of mind directly from the all-knowing Soul.
Phases of Intuitive Development:
The awakening of Divine Intuition is a gradual step-by-step process of PERCEPTUAL SHIFT.
Following is a summary of what is commonly experienced.
* The head and the heart become united, operating as if one organ. The power of pure reason is blended with love, resulting in a tangible shift in our daily perceptions.
* It is as if our life focus is lifted entirely out of an old matrix of perceived reality. We discover that we can walk with the Divine Presence, in seeming constant awareness. We are experiencing a new world right within our familiar footholds.
* Living now as the real Self, we know ourselves as much more than simply a human. We are still thinking through the mind and feeling through the emotions, and, we are acting consciously at all times in much greater observation of what is reflecting.
* As this shift in consciousness stabilizes, the Intuition awakens further. It becomes a permanent reality shift with no more wavering in and out of the matrices.
* At this point of stabilization, the conscious union between the Soul Self and the Divine Presence is firmly established. We then function more as a Soul, realizing ourselves as a conscious knower. We have learned to hold the mind focused and steady in the light.
* Within daily life, there is non-acceptance of incoming responses that emanate from states of separated awareness, such as those coming from emotionally-based or ego-control reactions.
* As the faculty of Divine Intuition develops even further, it merges with and becomes Universal Love. This is when true Compassion is known. Criticism and judgment is impossible. The sense of superiority and separateness dissolves completely.
Intuition Impulses Service to Humanity
Due to the supreme alignment that Divine Intuition brings, many of us become more aligned with the evolutionary plan for the Earth, which we inherently know is designed for the raising of the entire human race.
When the pathway of intuition is open and active, we are naturally impulsed to do the greatest good for the largest number of people. We serve as instruments of Divine Will. Our clear channel receives illumined direction and it is from this guidance that we wield knowledge and light to others.
The awakening of the Divine Intuition is a most pivotal initiation for all of us as a collective consciousness. Through the actualization of our intuitive ability, we can more easily magnetize and draw forth our desired co-creations to benefit the common good of all.
Further, it is through the power of the collective Divine Intuition, in union with universal light, that we initiate the worldwide movement of Goodwill and ultimately bring forth the era of planetary peace.
If you haven't already signed up, please consider joining this powerful series of Soul initiations that assist to awaken our inner sight and move us into multidimensional perception.
Many blessings on your path of true 'seeing',
Tiara Kumara
Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation
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