petek, 31. oktober 2014

Happy Halloween and Samhain ♥ /odpiranje svetih vrat...

Happy Halloween and Samhain Blessing to you all dear ones! Sending you all lots of LOVE


Samhain, eden največjih keltskih in poganskih praznikov, se začne ob sončnem zatonu 31. oktobra.

Vsako leto ga praznujemo v ritualu posvetitve preteklosti, ki prepušča prestol sedanjosti.

Ta noč je posebna noč. Tančice med svetovi so tanke, subtilne in prosojne....


Dear Initiates of the Great Awakening,

As a result of our foundational work in the preliminary Rites, including years of personal purification endurance, we begin to make noticeable passage into brand new perceptions in which a phenomenal new world can be gradually perceived. 
This matrix of expanded awareness, often termed the 'Divine Reality', can finally be perceived due to the transparent nature of the transfigured and renounced personality.   

It is then that we are able to go much deeper; into the interior of our consciousness in order to penetrate the reality that lies behind thought, beyond the rationalizing mind.
The ultimate truths of our universe are more easily grasped through the light of Divine Intuition. With the clarity of this inner vision restored, we come to remember our intrinsic nature as immortal aspects of the one supreme Presence. From this embodied knowing, life opens you up into incredible potentials.
Divine Intuition Bestows Revelation

In the spirit of clarity, the authentic expression of Divine Intuition has no relation to psychic abilities. It is neither related to the common flashes of insights that we receive regarding other people or situations in our lives.
 What this refers to is intuitive power by which the Soul comprehends its authentic nature. The Divine Presence is perceived through the sight of the Soul. It is the inherent knowing of that which is beyond the scope of human reason and intellect.  

It is through Divine Intuition that we experience ourselves not as a human body but as immortal indwelling consciousness, one with Source essence.

When the Divine Intuition is active, there is no doubt. This intuitive mind is quick, precise and infallible. It is very different from the slow and methodical workings of the human mind which errors and separates.
The swiftness through which we are able to perceive, understand and resolve situations is a clear sign that we are functioning under the benevolent influence of Divine Intuition.
Intuition bestows revelation, and when activated, we progress rapidly in our comprehension of the spiritual light and the underlying unity inherent in all things.
Opening the Spiritual Eye of Intuitive Vision 
Recognition of the truer reality only becomes possible when we are impersonal and free from the reactions of the lower self. We cannot evolve our consciousness any further until the human attachments and unnecessary distractions in our lives are replaced with a sincere, selfless motive.
As greater detachment is made from our human desires and senses, Divine Intuition awakens.
 In this Rite of Passage we are going much deeper, to penetrate the reality that lies behind sensory perception and beyond the cognitions of the rationalizing mind.
Intuition exists behind the layers of matter and physical energy, behind thought. To access this background vibration, our human mind has to be calmed and neutralized from mental restlessness.
A developed ability to focus is required in order to hold our concentration and steadiness in the pure clear spiritual light. It is then that Divine Intuition drops into the "peace"of mind directly from the all-knowing Soul.

Phases of Intuitive Development: 

The awakening of Divine Intuition is a gradual step-by-step process of PERCEPTUAL SHIFT.

Following is a summary of what is commonly experienced.
* The head and the heart become united, operating as if one organ. The power of pure reason is blended with love, resulting in a tangible shift in our daily perceptions.
* It is as if our life focus is lifted entirely out of an old matrix of perceived reality. We discover that we can walk with the Divine Presence, in seeming constant awareness. We are experiencing a new world right within our familiar footholds.
* Living now as the real Self, we know ourselves as much more than simply a human. We are still thinking through the mind and feeling through the emotions, and, we are acting consciously at all times in much greater observation of what is reflecting.

* As this shift in consciousness stabilizes, the Intuition awakens further. It becomes a permanent reality shift with no more wavering in and out of the matrices.
* At this point of stabilization, the conscious union between the Soul Self and the Divine Presence is firmly established. We then function more as a Soul, realizing ourselves as a conscious knower. We have learned to hold the mind focused and steady in the light.
* Within daily life, there is non-acceptance of incoming responses that emanate from states of separated awareness, such as those coming from emotionally-based or ego-control reactions.
* As the faculty of Divine Intuition develops even further, it merges with and becomes Universal Love. This is when true Compassion is known. Criticism and judgment is impossible. The sense of superiority and separateness dissolves completely.

Intuition Impulses Service to Humanity
 Due to the supreme alignment that Divine Intuition brings, many of us become more aligned with the evolutionary plan for the Earth, which we inherently know is designed for the raising of the entire human race.
When the pathway of intuition is open and active, we are naturally impulsed to do the greatest good for the largest number of people. We serve as instruments of Divine Will. Our clear channel receives illumined direction and it is from this guidance that we wield knowledge and light to others.
The awakening of the Divine Intuition is a most pivotal initiation for all of us as a collective consciousness. Through the actualization of our intuitive ability, we can more easily magnetize and draw forth our desired co-creations to benefit the common good of all.
Further, it is through the power of the collective Divine Intuition, in union with universal light, that we initiate the worldwide movement of Goodwill and ultimately bring forth the era of planetary peace.
If you haven't already signed up, please consider joining this powerful series of Soul initiations that assist to awaken our inner sight and move us into multidimensional perception.

Many blessings on your path of true 'seeing',

Tiara Kumara

Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation 

The light found the way.....Always ♥

sobota, 25. oktober 2014



Samhain, eden največjih keltskih /keltsko novo leto/in poganskih praznikov, se začne ob sončnem zatonu 31. oktobra.
Vsako leto ga praznujemo v ritualu posvetitve preteklosti, ki prepušča prestol sedanjosti.
Ta noč je posebna noč. Tančice med svetovi so tanke, subtilne in prosojne....
V ritualu z ognjem bomo odpuščali preteklosti in sebi, napisali pismo prednikom in se v globoki meditaciji spustili do globin zavesti in podzavesti, kjer se bomo srečali z vodniki, ki nas spremljajo na naši poti.
Daljša zvočna kopel z gongi, kristalnimi skledami, šamanskim bobnom in zvončki, tibetanskimi skledami...vas bo po meditaciji osvežila, okrepila in globoko sprostila.
Odpiranje svetih vrat...sporočila duše....readingi...
Gostitelj Tomaž Serafi

Praznovali bomo praznik Samain, ko se narava pripravlja na počitek. Krščani so ta praznik spremenili v Dan vseh svetih, v naši bivši socialistični državi pa so ga preimenovali v Dan mrtvih. Zopet bomo naša pojoča srca odpirali, bobnali, se povezali s petjem srčnih pesmi in se predali plesu. Če bo lepo vreme, bomo zakurili ogenj in se družili zunaj, če bo dež pa bomo plesali na našem plesišču v kleti in peli v hiški Pojočega srca.

V primeru lepega vremena ste vabljeni, da pridete že popoldne ob štirih ali pa še prej in nam pomagate nabrati veje za ogenj.

Pozneje se bomo uglasili s kratko meditacijo, nato bomo nekaj časa prepevali inspirativne pesmi (seznam pesmi z besedili najdete na internetni strani Pojočega srca ) in kaj zabobnali nato pa se bomo podali na plesišče.

To je okvirni urnik in pridružite se nam lahko kadar hočete.

Če želite prespati, prinesite podlogo za ležanje in spalno vrečo

Če zna kdo igrati kitaro in nas spremljati ob petju, naj jo prinese.

Kdor želi, lahko s seboj prinese kaj hrane, ki bo pripomogla k skupnemu obroku. Dobrodošli so tudi prostovoljni prispevki.

Obvezne predhodne prijave na tel. 040/714-706, da bomo vedeli, koliko ljudi namerava priti in se bomo lahko ustrezno pripravili.

Dobrodošla vsa bitja dobre volje!

Naj nam pojejo srca!

petek, 17. oktober 2014


Vez med ljudmi bi se okrepila, če bi vsi govorili manj in bolj prijazno.

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse everyone! The energy right now is very powerful. Spend some time over the next few days connecting in with your heart center and everything that is no longer in alignment with your highest and greatest self.
You no longer need to hold on to any fear, worry, anxiety, anger, depression, separation, jealously, competition, drama or guilt. Let it all go dear ones! Release this lower vibrational energy from your field with gratitude and love. Call your full energy and power back into your life right NOW. It's that simple.
Energy flows where our attention goes. It's time that we begin to remember how truly powerful we all are!
As you begin to create more spaciousness in your life, you will start to feel lighter. You will have the energy and space to create a new way of living - new ideas, new dreams, new visions, new hopes and new paths.
It's up to each one of us to create the life of our dreams right here and right now. There is no other time!
The New Moon is a very powerful time for manifestation. Plant the seeds of your dreams in your heart center. What is the highest vision of who you can be? What were the dreams that you had as a child, but forgot long ago? What makes your heart sing?
It's safe for you to come out and be fully you, 100%. After all, that's why we are here! It's time for us to be free.
Fill your heart with laughter, joy, and lightness. Invoke the energy of courage, trust and hope. Know that another world is not only possible, but that we are actively creating it in every unfolding now moment. Be all you can be!
As we find peace in our hearts, we create peace in the world around us. As we begin to truly love ourselves, we love the whole world.
The Eclipse energy acts as a huge magnifier, so choose your thoughts wisely at this time.
It's time for all of us to uplevel our existence so that we are ready to step fully into our divinity as beings of Love and Light.
We ARE the ones we have been waiting for!
We ARE as radiant as the sun!
We ARE one with all life!
Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse everyone!
Shine on beautiful ones!
Shine on!


INFO:  040/ 899 - 884


Uac Chicchan ali dan 6 kača

Število današnjega dne je 6, ki je umirjena stalna energija, odgovorna za počasen in stalen proces in je tukaj z namenom uravnotežiti našo kreacijo. Danes zaupaj in se prepusti trenutku. Pojdi z valovanjem dneva in se zazibaj v času. Vse je v ritmičnem valovanju. Bodi nežen s seboj in plavaj s tokom življenja. Kako? S plesom in petjem, z gibanjem in valovanjem, z novim znanjem ter s »spusti in pusti«, da staro odide in novo pride.

Ko umira Staro, se rojeva Novo. Ko izgubimo, je to zato, da lahko dobimo Tisto, kar je resnično namenjeno nam in ko se odprejo Nova vrata, je čas da zapremo stara in se ne vračamo nazaj.. S hvaležnostjo... poveličujmo Vse, kar je dobro, v nas in okoli nas...

Energetska Podpora za ta vikend / že danes /-je osvobajanje vseh karmičnih blokad, ki nam blokirajo ZDRAVJE, NOTRANJI MIR, PODPORO DUŠE Dovolimo, da se pokažejo stvari iz preteklosti in da jih podpora s pomočjo energij sprosti. Izlevimo se čez vikend.

četrtek, 16. oktober 2014

r.i.p. dr. Masaru Emoto

It is with great sadness that I bring you this sad news, Dr. Masaru Emoto passed away today.
Arigato, fellow traveller. ...

You brought to the world so much love, understanding and gratitude. You remain in the hearts of many, as one of the finest teachers this world has seen.
"Dear friends of Masaru,
Early this morning, Masaru has passed away. His wife was with him.
Since he became ill in Shanghai, he has received so much love and gratitude from his dear friends of all over the world. He was very encouraged and happy to receive your kind messages with love.
His last word was "Arigato". ("Thank you" in Japanese) We believe his last word was to you, everybody. He was so grateful for you and thanked you all so very much.
He used to say, "Life is LOVE which is a gift from God and parents, and DEATH is gratitude for going to a new dimension". So now he is in another dimension and continues to look over us warmly with love and gratitude.
We are going to carry on his mission of spreading the power of "love and gratitude".
We thank you very much for offering prayers for Dr. Emoto, and please send your love, light, and gratitude to him once again.
With much love and gratitude,


PORTAL 111114 ...POČASI SE ODPIRA.. mogočna KODA
11.11.14, PREHOD

V Najvišje dobro vsega živega in neživega

Vsak komplet STVARNIKOVIH KART je Unikaten. V njem je polno ljubezni, Stvarnika , energije Bitij najvišje Luči...izdelujem jih s čistim srcem.
Hvaležna sem vsem, ki ste jih že začutili...posebni ste, veličastne duše...pionirji, ki z menoj odpirate portale Stvarnika ...
in število kompletov gredo prve v svet je Mojstersko, moja ljuba 22...namaste

Prihajajo novi kompleti, duš bodo povezane v paralelnih svetovih v najvišje dobro čoveštva, prihajale bodo nove in nove, ki se bodo povezale same s seboj in Virom vsega..... amen Akaša -ka

Duša je čakala na trenutek, ko sedaj lahko reče: "Čas je." Ox Lahun Ben / 13 Trs

Stvarnikove karte so drugačne, edinstvene in zelo njegove. On sam mi je pokazal prizor v naravi, povedal kaj naj slikam, katero energijo naj vnesem v fotografijo. Sporočila, ki so pri vsaki fotografiji so kanalizirana preko Stvarnika, Boga, kakorkoli ga sami imenujete.

Namen Stvarnika preko kart je predvsem prebujati, zbujati človeštvo. Čiščenje starih vzorcev in ran. Dvigovanje kolektivne zavesti. Povezovanje z Izvorom Boga. Povezovanje s čisto resnico. Naj ljudje ne bodo več zmanipulirani. Naj počasi slečejo, odložijo te črne plašče, ki jim preprečujejo videti, slišati, čutiti resnico Svetlobnih bitij Stvarstva. Spoznajte, da vse kar potrebujete je že v vas samih. Ja res je, to je delo na sebi, a darilo na koncu je Božansko in prelepo. Izplača se, vsakemu izmed vas. Vsaka karta in njena energija, ki jo boste izbrali, vam bo pomagala naprej. Vas spodbujala, brusila, odstirala nove možnosti, odklepala nova znanja, čistila slabega, česar ne potrebujete več. Vsaka izbira karte bo en korak naprej. Od vas je odvisno, kako hitro želite delati korake. Vsakič bodo pri isti karti nova sporočila, katere boste prejeli preko vaših zaznav. Zato bodite pozorni na vsako Božje znamenje. Sporočilo,ki ga prejmete preberite večkrat na dan. Vsakič vam bo bolj jasno, kaj vam sporoča in na kaj vas usmerja.

Stvarnikovih kart je 36, povezane so s 4 elementi; ogenj, zemlja, voda, zrak. Vsakemu elementu pripada po 9 kart. V kompletu bodo priloženi tudi predmeti, ki bodo predstavljali 4 elemente (lesna goba, kamen, školjka, pero). Zavite so v zvitku iz jute, ki je ob enem tudi posvečen Sveti prt.

Ni ga modela kako se karte uporabljajo. Priporočljivo pa je, če imate konkretno težavo, vprašanje, da srčno zaprosite za odgovor, sporočilo. Preberite si in poskušajte poslušati globlje, slišati širše. Sprejmite energije, besede z vsem svojim bitjem. Energije bodo stekle v najvišje dobro. Karto lahko nosite čez dan tudi ob sebi, jo položite na dele telesa, pod vzglavnik, postavite nanjo kozarec vode in popijete,…poslušajte svojo intuicijo, vodnike in srce. V kompletu je tudi karta Stvarnikov Blagoslov. Sama je, a hkrati povezana z vsem. Ta karta nosi vibracijo slike, ki sem jo kanalizirala in prizemljila na platno. Univerzalna karta je. V njej je mogočna in močna energija Stvarnika Boga. Ko boste prejeli to karto, jo samo podržite pri srcu in sprejmite. Prejeli boste Božansko ljubezen in vse kar nujno potrebujete v danem trenutku. Ne obremenjujte se zakaj, kako,…samo ponižno sprejmite.

(Karte niso za napovedovanje niti za vedeževanje.)
Stvarnikove karte spremlja kristal Hiastolit (priložen bo opis). Vibracija kristala vam bo pomagala lažje vzpostaviti stik, kontakt z vašo božansko dušo. Lažje in hitreje boste prepoznali in razumeli sporočila, ki jih potrebujete slišati v danem trenutku. Vsak bo v kompletu prejel kristal, ki je ustvarjen po Božjem načrtu le zanj.

Kart ne bo potrebno čistiti, ker nad njimi bedi Stvarnik.
Imejte jih srčno radi z vsem svojim bitjem in vso ljubeznijo, ki jo premore vaša duša. Vračale vam bodo z veličino, ki jo premorejo le one.

Prizemljevale so se dobre 3 leta. In danes 6.9.2014 so tu. Vse je z razlogom, vse je namenjeno. Vse je le potrebno sprejeti le takšno, kot je. Če bo vse po načrtu bodo prvič javno predstavljene 11.11.14, lahko se bodo naročile v prednaročilu (22,00 eur predhodne akontacije).
Hvala, ker sem bila izbrana za to veličastno nalogo, sprejela sem jo z velikim spoštovanjem.
Hvala tudi vam dragi ljudje, da sledite Božanski poti tu na mami Zemlji.

cena Kart Stvarnika je 48,00 eur
GSM: (040) 899 884.



Predajam po telefonu, čas trajanja cca 45min
izmenjava 22,00 eur (plača se po predračunu)
Na željo tudi osebni kontakt.

kontakt: 040/899-884, Anita Akaša Marimana

petek, 10. oktober 2014


Rada sem to kar sem in ljubim življenje.... ob tej priliki bi rada izkazala hvaležnost za vse moje prijatelje
Hvaležna za vse učitelje v mojem življenju in za vso dragoceno znanje, ki so mi ga dali.

Hvaležna za vse življenjske izkušnje in tudi za težke preizkušnje, katere so me naredile močnejšo.
Hvaležna, da lahko počnem v življenju to, kar sem si od nekdaj želela.
Hvaležna sem za svojo močno intuicijo, ki me nikoli ne pusti na cedilu.
Hvaležna sem za moč svobodne volje in možnost odločitve.
Hvaležna za vsa popotovanja in za svojo sopotnico
Hvaležna sem za dom in blaginjo in duhovno družino

Hvaležna za Emy in Maxi – mavrična otroka, ki me vsak dan razveseljujeta in presenetita s čim novim.

Vsak večer predno se odpravim spat, že deset let, se zahvalim za tri stvari, ki sem jih doživela čez dan in so me obogatile. To bom počela še naprej.
Življenju HVALA, da sem se utelesila na ta planet in da živim svoje poslanstvo.
Zahvaljujem se Akaši, ki me je povabila, k sodelovanju, za njene Karte Stvarnike in za Galaxy drum, ki me osrečuje in spreminja

Carlsberg, Copenhagen
foto: Simona Koželj

sreda, 8. oktober 2014


»Bodi Hvaležen za čisto vse« pravi Jana Dular, ki se ravno ta mesec mudi spet v Sloveniji

Lunin mrk /polna luna/ in aktivacija karmične osi

Foto J. Ashvata Gerič 7.10.2014

Lunin mrk /polna luna/ in aktivacija karmične osi
8. oktober 2014/Lahun Ajmaq/Cib ali 10 sova

Vsak dan se zgodi toliko, kot včasih v enem letu…

Uživajte v teh čudovitih časih***

Prilagam dva članka, še kako pomembna za ta čas…

Think with your heart

Greetings LOVE letter reader & receiver of fun things…

I am pretty positive that you can feel it coming already, but JIC you are unaware…eclipse season is here!  Now, before you get all flinchy & frantically delete this email, I have some good news…
No matter where these eclipses deliver us, via the unique and individual journey that each of us will undoubtedly travel the next month or so, we are headed for some major life & body altering changes…well according to my Sources anyway.

Regardless of the route it takes, this is an exciting…even if teeth-clenching…ride!

And yes, we have a Mercury retrograde to boot…but this is going to be a beyond-powerful opportunity.  We are being given the ultimate chance to let go of all our lower-thought patterns for good…to un-pollute our minds so that our thoughts can work in tandem with our recently purified & wildly creative hearts.  Emphasis on the creative part.

Disclaimer: If this ends up an ass-kicking month of revisiting outdated thoughts & be-lie-fs for you, rest assured that it’s all in the name of LOVE…aka, the progress, evolution and transformation we are capable of in the next 4-6 weeks is truly unparalleled, groundbreaking stuff.

In fact, I am seeing, sensing, feeling & told that this retrograde period has the potential to launch us into our inner BRILLIANCE zone…IF we are willing to bypass the status quo and embrace our soul’s calling.
And all the while, our physical bodies will be completing some necessary alignments to ignite our crystalline core operating system…the very system we have been working (transmuting) so tirelessly for this entire year so far, that which was kicked into super-high gear during the last eclipse cycle (4/15 & 4/28 respectively).

We are once again gearing up to witness the extraordinary, and while none of us knows exactly how this cycle will unfold, we can feel the excitement (or maybe that’s nervous energy) and anticipation bubbling inside, imploring us to expect the unexpected and take this magic carpet ride, unbridled.
So be sure to unbuckle your seatbelt and put your hands in the air…its GO TIME!

If your life is still in a roar from the Grand Cardinal Cross from last April, this coming October is offering up a few more opportunities for change. The Lunar Eclipse on October 8th is the first of the game changers scheduled for this fall. Relationships are highlighted during this eclipse for it falls across the Aries/Libra axis. The moon will conjunct Uranus in Aries and both will oppose the sun in Libra.
Sabian symbol mythology indicates that at 15 degrees of Aries, where this full moon eclipse takes place, a serpent is coiling near a man and a woman. Since relationships are highlighted at this time, this seems apropos. Serpents bring forth images of Adam and Eve in the Garden, of hiding their naked truth behind fig leaves. Images of forbidden fruit and things that slither and bite also surface. The rising of Kundalini energy also comes to mind. The coiling of the snake speaks of unspent energy that is wound tight, ready to spring forth, full of potential energy. Transformation is often afoot where snakes lie coiled. Think of the tremendous potential snakes have for creating themselves anew as they shed their old skins in order to grow into a bigger Universe.

Developing courage in our relationships so that we can be truthful and quit hiding ourselves seems like one means of unleashing this creative kinetic energy. Courage is the aim of Aries and with both the moon and Uranus here, there is a daring quality being highlighted. Being bold, taking emotional risks, taking an independent stand and believing in yourself are key themes. The ram has horns for a reason. If you are not happy with the area of your life the moon is sitting in, it’s time to spear-head change. You have the strength, the courage and the guts to make things happen. Uranus provides the inspiration as well as spiritual encouragement. Sudden shifts are possible. Since Ceres is in this same area, nurturing ourselves as we make the necessary changes is another issue that is highlighted.

Besides being courageous, it might also pay to look at things through the eyes of others in your life. Oddly, at 15 degrees of Libra, where the sun will be roosting during this eclipse, the sabian symbology speaks of a boat landing that needs to be reconstructed after the passage of a storm. This makes me wonder what shape our relationships are in at this time? Do we need to do repair work? Is the dock steady enough to warrant repair? Should it be cut free to float away of its own accord? Somehow the structures of our relationships need tending to now that the storm has passed. Figuring out what structures we can depend upon and those that are no longer working as elements of support in our lives must be discerned.

Add to the mix that the Grand Cardinal Cross has been a ravaging storm for many people. For those who have had relationship houses stretched and racked by the storm, it may be time to look at the hard truth to decide if what you have is worth hanging onto.

If that were not enough in and of itself, this fiery moon/Uranus conjunction is igniting the Uranus/Pluto square once again. What is it that you truly value? For many, Uranus is begging for us to break outside of our boxes, to grab a bit of inspired freedom. What must we let go of to move forward? How can we stand in our own power and still honor the relationships that mean so much in our lives? Contemplate things well before reacting in sudden Uranian fashion for full moon eclipses are powerful. Choices made now will impact your life for a half a year or more. Full moons also tend to be quite emotional and with Uranus attached to the moon, sudden changes could affect your home, your emotional ties or your habitual patterns. Changing some of these patterns may be exactly what the Universe is asking of you.

Forming a background to this lunar eclipse is a Grand Fire Trine, featuring Jupiter, Mars and Uranus. Going after what you want (Mars) brings freedom (Uranus) and inspiration (Jupiter) into your life. The full moon, which happens just two days after this trine perfects, gives you the opportunity to end that which is no longer working. Relationships of all sorts are highlighted, not just long-term lovers. Life is grabbing you by the cajones and is encouraging you to break (Uranus) the ties (moon) that are holding you back from a bigger, happier, more joy inspired life (the trine). Go after what you want (Mars). You deserve more and the rocket fuel in Aries is providing the zest you need to chase your dreams.

Why wait to pursue your passion? If you knew you were dying, how would you live your life? Poignant movies depict dying people chasing down their bucket list. Living an inspired life means working your bucket list everyday. Maybe instead of dying, we might discover by chasing our dream everyday, we were actually living instead. The Universe wants us to have a life well lived, a life with purpose and meaning. And guess what? We are all one breath away from eternity. To reveal the hidden agenda of this Lunar Eclipse, I’d first focus on the fiery trine that forms the background to it. Look at the houses occupied by Mars, Jupiter and Uranus to see where and how the Universe is giving you the green light to engage more fully in this pin-ball ride we call life.

Then find the Uranian courage and guts to free yourself to move forward and expand. Jupiter in Leo wants to bring blessings into your life for the whole next year. Do you feel Zombie-like? Almost as if you are going through the motions? Wouldn’t a bit of joy do you well? Also remember, all we really have on this planet is each other. Are we being kind to one another? Are we treating our partners well? Are we honoring ourselves as well as them in the process of relating? When we hurt another person, don’t we hurt ourselves in equal measure?

A coiled snake lies between the man and the woman, waiting spring-like, to renew the energies in our lives. Only you know the truth of what should be held onto and what should be cast adrift.


Smisel življenja je širjenje sreče.
Vsak dan, v velikih in majhnih odmerkih


Ob 17.23h sem prišel na ta čudovit planet in močno razveselil mamico in očka. Velik sem 51 cm in težak 3300g in vsem pošiljam mavrični objem in sem hvaležen vsem, ki ste mislili name in na mojo mamico ter nama pošiljali pozitivno energijo. Hvala hvala hvala ♥♥♥♥


JUHU! JUHU! JUHU! Ves čas držali pesti♥♥♥
Naj te angeli spremljajo vse dni. Dobrodošel  mali junak J ♥ <3
Čestitke Maginja Blinkita in Nuri*

9 T'zikin/Men

♡♡♡ Eagle of Life ♡♡♡ je moje Indijansko ime ♡♡♡ Belejeb' Tzi'kin / Bolon Men je moje majevsko ime, zdaj pa se razjasni kmalu se tuzemeljsko ime ... zaenkrat sem Nuri Junior ... se pustim pa presenetiti, kaj se bosta moja mamica in daddy na koncu odlocila ;))) pa lep dan vsem...aha pa slisal sem, da se je se danes zju3 govorilo na porodnem oddelku, kaksen lep porod smo imeli vceraj. Osebje navduseno nad svetim lesom Holly wood, ki smo ga prizigali v casu te velike iniciacije in mamica je bila tako zelo umirjena in sfokusirana na dihanje, da je bil res cel uzitek doziveti to. In ocka...kolk je bil sele on navdusen, ko je zagledal mojo crnolaso glavico, kako prihaja ven...skratka vsi navduseni zelo ♡♡♡ mavricne objeme vsem, ki ste bili v duhu in srcu z nami vceraj in drzali mogocen steber ljubezni in svetlobe. Hvala, ker Ste ♡♡♡

torek, 7. oktober 2014


Amma’s 2014 European Tour Dates:

October 7, 8, 9 – Barcelona, Spain
October 11, 12, 13 – Munich, Germany
October 15, 16, 17 – Winterthur, Switzerland...

October 19, 20, 21 – Paris, France
October 23, 24, 25 – Houten, Netherlands
October 27 (evening), 28, 29 – London, United Kingdom
October 31, November 1 – Dublin, Ireland
November 3, 4, 5 – Toulon, France
November 8, 9, 10 – Milano, Italy
November 12, 13 – Berlin, Germany
November 15, 16, 17 (tentative) – Mannheim, Germany

More details of the tour will be available soon at


Danes je dan pred Polno luno, faza njene Moči se bo skozi dan še krepila... bodite pozorni na svoje misli in razmišljanja, ne vdajajte se črnogledosti ali depresiji... kajti čas nas podpira, da napolnimo svoje Srce z vsemi tistimi mislimi, željami in občutki, ki jih želite v svojem odnosu...

Smo v pričakovanju »našega« – Blinkitinega malčka na dan 9 T'zikin/Men ali orel…
Blinkita, toliko podpore, kot jo imaš, jo ima malo katera ženska. In tako težko pričakovan dogodek, ki ga čaka cela  mavrična Slovenija in širni svet… S tabo smo/ z vama smo. SREČNO  <3

Moč orla je moč svobodne vizije, mentalne jasnosti in fokusa. Danes lahko s ptičje perspektive vidimo širšo sliko stvari. V dnevu se skriva veliko ustvarjalnih namigov, zato pri kreaciji uporabi moč razuma, ohrani navdih in ostani predan svoji viziji. Odpri svoje bistvo globoki podpori in obilju vesolja, ter se telepatsko poveži z angeli in drugimi bitji Svetlobe in Ljubezni. Je poseben dan, kol lahko naredimo majevsko ceremonijo in prosimo za obilje, srečo, denar in dobra razmerja. Ta energija nas oskrbuje z magnetizmom širših vizij, neomejenih s časom in prostorom.

ponedeljek, 6. oktober 2014


Ko iščete popolnega partnerja ne pozabite:"Vaš" partner JE ogledalo vas samih...

Edina resnična svoboda, ki jo zares imamo, je možnost izbire ... vzemi ali pusti, ostani ali pojdi ... vedno sta dve opciji ...

J. A. Gerič

nedelja, 5. oktober 2014


Ker je to leto »karmično«, Saturnovo leto, smo kolektivno pred večjimi preIzkušnjami.
Vse, kar moramo vedeti v tem letu je to,
da je to leto učenja o sebi skozi
Sodelovanje, Sočutje in vzpostavljanja Harmonije.
Prav slednja bo izziv meseca oktobra
Ko se aktivira tako imenovana »karmična os«, pomeni, da se aktivira obdobje, ko smo soočeni z usodnimi dogodki. beseda »usoda« ne pomeni kot nekaj groznega in slabega, ampak zMožnost, ki jo takrat lahko izkoristimo za osebnostno rast in razvoj, kajti, če se procesa rasti zavedamo potem trdno stojimo v čevljih Kreatorja. Čas »usode« nam pomaga, da se premaknemo iz neustreznih vzorcev, odnosov ali prostorov... na nam bolj ustrezne, ki nas podpirajo na nivoju duše. Osi se »aktivirajo« navadno ob mrkih. Prva aktivacija je bila 15. aprila 2014, druga pa je 8. oktobra.
V znamenju Tehtnice bo vladavina severnega luninega vozla, ki predstavlja kakšna je posameznikova darma prinesla aktivacijo vrednost, ki jih imamo v življenju. Darma pomeni tisto, kar se moramo kot posamezniki v tem življenju naučiti oz kam se je potrebno razvijati. Kolektivno bo zdaj tema kako razviti usklajenost z drugimi, v ospredju bo želja po razvijanju in sodelovanju, pravičnost razsojanja, doseganje harmonije in miroljubnost. Zbudila se bo želja po ugajanju drugim in neprestano iskanje ravnotežja med sabo in drugimi, želja po zapeljevanju, ljubezni, partnerstvu, po odločanju skupaj z drugimi – poudarek je na »skupaj«... povečano bo druženje, neodločnost in kolebanje... ki bo od nas zahtevalo, da se povezujemo na vseh ravneh. Skozi povezovanje in sodelovanje se bomo vsega tega učili in se v tej smeri tudi kolektivno razvijali.
Da pa bomo resnično dobro preDelali svoje vzorce in ne bomo delovali po starem ustaljenem vzorcu, ko smo prakticirali »vsak zase«, bomo v ta namen delovali povezano, saj lahko s skupnimi močmi dosežemo veliko več. Prav na dan, v nedeljo, 5. oktobra, ko se obrne v retrogradno gibanje planet Merkur, ki je planet komunikacije in povezovanja... začnemo z 21 dnevnim prakticiranjem Hvaležnosti (toliko časa bo tudi Merkur v tej »ponotranjeni« retrogradni fazi). Vsak dan bomo na MyChijevi facebook strani začeli z vodilom dneva... in skozi Hvaležnost spreminjali »svoje notranje, ustaljene in neustrezne programe«. Prav 21 dni rabi naša zavest, da »pospravi« našo naNovo priDobljeno navado v podzavest«, da postane del našega vsakodnevnega življeja in naše rutine. Izberite tudi vi.. s Hvaležnostjo do Harmonije in se nam pridružite.
Sledite torej svoji notranji modrosti in popeljala vas bo k vaši usodi.
Povzeto po Shani Flogie


"Ko govorimo resnico, delimo z drugimi občutek ljubezni. Počastimo jih. Verjamemo, da si želijo skupaj z nami ostati v navzočnosti resnice."
"Ko smo v harmoniji... z resnico, smo pomirjeni na vseh ravneh lastnega sebstva - v svojem srcu, v svojem umu, v svojih celicah, z vsakim našim gibom."
Daphne Rose Kingma

"Ta teden podpiramo RESNICO. To je nekaj, čemur se večina med vami izjemno izogiba, saj vas je nekdo ...prepričal, da z iskrenostjo lahko koga prizadenete. Vendar je obratno! Vsakič, ko prilagodite besedo, omilite svoje čustvo, misel ... karkoli, da ne bi koga prizadeli, v bistvu podprete temo na svetu in ponižate ljudi okoli vas, da niso vredni resnice, da niso dovolj močni, da bi jo sprejeli... Resnica prinaša luč, jasnost, pokaže se, kar zares je. Zatorej ne bojte se biti to kar ste in graditi svoje življenje na RESNICI. Na pravih temeljih. Tehtajte svoje misli, čustva in besede... so resnične ? Ali so plod preteklih izkušenj in jih ponavljate iz navade? Lahko teden dni preživimo v RESNICI? Jo izražamo vsak dan znova? In če to stori vsak, ki prebere sporočilo, potem bomo v tednu dni namnožili Svetlobo in veliko Višjih Energij se bo lahko spustilo v naša polja. Hvala, da delite to sporočilo dalje in pomagate soustvarjati mrežo Svetlobe "