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Od 22.do 28.maja bosta nosilca duhovnega izročila Andov, šamana, zdravilca, duhovna svetovalca, Dona Rosa Condori Cadena in Don Mario Flores Cruz iz Bolivije, podelila dragocene modrosti na predavanju, delavnicah, obredih in individualni
Iz Bolivije v Slovenijo prvič prihajata andski amawti, (to so modri, šamani, zdravilci, duhovni vodji), aktivna v gibanju za ohranitev duhovnega izročila Andov, ki sta se vrsto let učila ob največjih duhovnih mojstrih tradicije Aymara:
Dona Rosa Condori Cadena, jasnovidka, zdravilka, šamanka, duhovna svetovalka in
Don Mario Flores Cruz, direktor, predavatelj in svetovalec za liturgijo organizacije Aylloqala, ki združuje modrece, mislece in vizionarje Altiplana.
V okviru 7-dnevnega programa bosta podelila dragoceno znanje v teoriji in praksi: 22. 5. od 17.00 do 20.00 predavanje: Pachamama in predstavitev andske kozmovizije, naravni zakon, kdo so modri,…. 23. in 24. 5. od 10.00 do 18.00 delavnica z obredom: andsko zdravljenje, naravna medicina, čiščenje, zaščita, obred integracije duše, obredi prehoda, naravni templji, delo v naravi, sidranje središča svetega kvadrata Slovenije. Lokacija: Ljubljana, velika dvorana Gostilna Livada ob Ljubljanici 25., 26., 27., 28. 5. od 8.00 do 19.00 celodnevno delo na terenu z obredom: tema dneva, sidranje kvadrata svetišča Slovenije in možnost ( integracija duše in/ali andski orakelj). Terenske delavnice so priložnosti za živo izkustvo in doživljanje andskih modrosti v praksi. Odvijale se bodo na štirih različnih svetih prostorih po Sloveniji in vsakega bomo počastili z določenim obredom, ki odpira vrata določeni kvaliteti in darovom, katerih bomo vsi deležni. Točne lokacije bodo določene naknadno. V okviru Individualne obravnave se lahko odločite za andski orakelj ali pa tudi integracijo duše ali lahko seveda oboje. Pri andskem oraklju lahko postavite tri konkretna vprašanja in nanje dobite tudi konkretne odgovore. Pri integraciji duše pa gre za povezavo določenih delov duše, od katerih smo v tem trenutku ločeni. S spajanjem odtegnjenih delov naše duše dobimo nazaj svoje moči in s tem pogoje za osebni razvoj in dvig zavesti. Več o tem boste lahko zvedeli na delavnici. DARILA PROGRAMA Skozi spoznavanje andske duhovne dediščine, medsebojno izmenjavo in povezavo dveh kultur ter aktivno delo v okviru obredov na določenih energijsko močnih krajih po Sloveniji, bomo ob prisotnosti blagoslovov Narave, Prednikov, Univerzuma ustvarjali možnosti za vzpostavitev večje pretočnosti in harmonije med fizičnim ter duhovnim nivojem, spodbudili pretok kreativnih sil, okrepili moč manifestacije ter poglobili zavedanje naše izvorne biti in poslanstva. ZA PREVOD bo skrbela Tina Zgonik, raziskovalna novinarka in antropologinja, ki že šesto leto živi v Boliviji in tke vezi med deželama. PRIJAVE sprejemamo do 18. MAJA oz. do zapolnitve mest. Prijavite se lahko za celoten program ali posamičen dogodek na: info@kljuczivljenja.si ali 041 236 241 (Milan), 040 838 570(Rosana) ali prijavnico na http/: www.kljuczivljenja.si Dobrodošli. Veselimo se skupnega druženja. Naj vsi hodimo skupaj,
naj nihče ne ostane zadaja,
naj nikomur nič ne manjka,
in naj vsi imajo vse.
/andska molitev/ |
petek, 24. april 2015
sobota, 18. april 2015
petek, 17. april 2015
Through Anrita Melchizedek
The Atlantean Pyramid creates the illusion of realities in time on the Earth plane.
The soul who oversees this pyramid goes by the frequency, Arlis-Cochizel.
In the temple of the crystals the goddess sits,
she whose consciousness creates all and everything from within.
Through this crystal matrix a race of evolved humans was born.
And when it was time for those souls to once again submerge in the
sea of creation to evolve into a new experience,
the crystals would echo the harmonics and the souls would remember and align for transition.
The Atlantean Pyramid has great mythology about an ancient time
when man used his gift of intuition and worked with spirit.
It tells of priests and priestesses who used massive crystals and walked with
when man used his gift of intuition and worked with spirit.
It tells of priests and priestesses who used massive crystals and walked with
giants and strange creatures on the surface of the planet.
This pyramid tells of I, Thoth, known as Thoth the Atlantean, or Tehuti,
who ruled the land of Atlantis for thousands of years known there by many names and descriptions.
who ruled the land of Atlantis for thousands of years known there by many names and descriptions.
It is written that before the great civilization of Atlantis fell,
I went with my consort and our high priests and priestesses
in great spaceships, to create a new home and a new civilization.
That this place would be the land of Khem, known to you as Egypt.
That I, and others from Atlantis, would record and store information in great libraries,
in a place to be known as the Halls of Amenti,
'Amenti' meaning 'Mankind'.
Listen now for the echoes of their tones within your mind.
And many would search for these records in their quest to
remember why they have come here and who they are.
And they would feel that they have greater purpose in this
timeline and seek to find out what that purpose might be.
remember why they have come here and who they are.
And they would feel that they have greater purpose in this
timeline and seek to find out what that purpose might be.
The Atlantean Pyramid would create tales of the fall of this great civilization
as warning to those who would walk the earth at the time of this reading.
And humanity would worry about the destruction of its earth home.
Fear not, as the souls need only remember their way home, into the light.
as warning to those who would walk the earth at the time of this reading.
And humanity would worry about the destruction of its earth home.
Fear not, as the souls need only remember their way home, into the light.
For there is no beginning,
nor is there an end.
nor is there an end.
And I, Thoth the Atlantean, shall now take you to the
Pyramid of Atlantis so you may experience all that you are.
And you will understand what happened in the game of
Light vs. Darkness. And you will remember what you must do.
Pyramid of Atlantis so you may experience all that you are.
And you will understand what happened in the game of
Light vs. Darkness. And you will remember what you must do.
Thoth the Atlantean
Welcome sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now, in this magical month of April, as you move deeper into the knowing of yourselves as Melchizedek Ambassadors of Light and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.
Sweet ones, in this sacred year of 2015, Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, and with Thoth as your Master Guide, we have been taken you into a deeper level of remembrance of many of the Atlantean and ancient Egyptian Mystery School teachings.
In fact, the Golden Age of Atlantis was one of the highest levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness achieved on this sacred earth, and in that Now sweet ones, you experienced lifetimes of Self-Enlightenment, the activating and actualizing of the full physical/etheric 12 Strand DNA, many of your extra-sensory perception gifts, and traveling too, in your activated Merkabas/Light Bodies. You lived your lives in Love and joy, walking the pathways of Divine Love, connecting with your Star Brothers and Sisters and the Giant races, and later choosing to down step your vibration and assist the Earth and all her Life in this sacred School of Learning.
Many of you hold too within your memory banks, not only the Golden Ages of Atlantis, experienced primarily between 50,000 B.C. to 18,000 B.C., but also the demise of Atlantis, through the Sons of Belial, and the Martians. And this fear, sweet ones, repeats itself in the illusion of realities in time on this sacred Earth and this plane of polarity.
Between approximately 17,500 B.C. and 15,000 B.C., Atlantis split into five Islands through abuse of the Great Crystal. The three primary Islands were Poseida, Aryan and Og, and the two smaller Islands, under the rule of the Aryan Race, were known as Atalya and Eyre. With this, came the evolution of two primary groups of differing beliefs; the Atla-Ra Scientist Priesthood of the 'Law of One', based predominantly on the Isle of Poseida and the Aryan Race of 'The Sons of Belial' based on the Isle of Aryan.
Those known as the Giant Race of Atlantis, primarily of Pleiadian descent, and around 10-12 feet tall, were also located in Poseida. Poseida was the headquarters and nucleus of the crystalline power grid. The most advanced and beautiful crystals were grown here, housed in wonderful Crystal Temples, and underground crystal beds.
Unfortunately over time, great rifts occurred between the Alta-Ra Priesthood and the Sons of Belial, not least due to the use of genetically engineered hybrid slaves (half man, half beast), and the material, power and control issues of the Sons of Belial. Additionally, a small group of Martians, a million years ago in their time, entered a portal of Light in Atlantis in approximately 65 000 B.C., leaving behind their world, which had been atmospherically destroyed. They were able to time travel into the future through the creation of a synthetic Merkaba. As the Martians had created a reality based on separation from Mother/Father God, they attempted to control and dominate the Atlanteans upon their arrival. After several unsuccessful attempts (mostly due to their small numbers), the Martians reached a point of mutual co-operation with the Atlanteans, with the Martians experiencing aspects of Love, and the Atlanteans learning the left-brain technologies of the Martians. This focus on peace, co-operation and harmony came about in approximately 50 000 B.C., when Mother/Father God expanded in a Cosmic in-breath of forgiveness and Love. At that Now moment, each atom and molecule through all dimensions was bathed in the Divine Unfolding Light of Mother/Father God, and this Solar System, like all dimensions, Star Systems and Galaxies in your Multi-Universe, was embraced in the amplified frequency of the Diamond, Golden and White Light emanating from the rays of One Unity Consciousness.
During this era of peaceful co-creation, the Martians assisted the Atlanteans in creating the Great Crystal; a huge electromagnetic laser structure used to harness the Sun’s energy. This was an enormous project, using specific mathematical proportions, and assisted by Nature Intelligence, the Crystal Kingdoms, and many of you, sweet ones. This Great Crystal created a series of Fire Crystals, erected in sets of three, each twenty foot high and eight foot wide. These Fire Crystals created a Solar source of energy by reflecting the Sun to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the tuning. It further allowed for the healing of your Planet, and individuals, through energy rays of light. During the Golden Age of Atlantis, using this Great Crystal was most incredible, as you had the ability to heal any frequency in the body. Furthermore, as we have mentioned, many of you were able to travel interdimensionally in your own activated Merkabas/Light Bodies within this quadrant of the Galaxy. In fact, a period of longevity ensued, and you were the most incredible, magical Master Beings of Love and Light, with a full physical/etheric twelve strand DNA; and the ability to undergo your cosmic initiations into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God whilst in physical embodiment.
This era of peace ensued for 26 000 years, until 24 000 B.C., when you were again to enter the Photon Band for 2 000 years, and just prior to this, experience a pole shift through the null zone. At that time, a small piece of Atlantis sunk, and for the first time in thousands of years, a feeling of fear came upon the Atlanteans. Furthermore, through the sub-conscious negative energy of the Martians, who had never really felt at home amongst the Atlanteans, influences of cosmic evil were again to affect the etheric planes, and create further disharmonic levels of consciousness. In addition, the Great Crystal could be tuned to a frequency that could cause death and destruction, and through the fear consciousness created by this pole shift, abuse of the Great Crystal was to come about through the Sons of Belial. The Sons of Belial under the influence of cosmic evil, in the form of the Martians and the Anunnaki, followed their own selfish desire for power through materialism and negative ego allurements. They created distortions in your energy fields and that of Mother Earth, by abusing the Great Crystal, and in approximately 17 500 B.C., to 15 000 B.C., nearly destroyed the Earth’s atmosphere by accidentally tuning the Great Crystal to such a degree that it created huge volcanic activity within the core center of your Earth.
Shortly after this volcanic activity, which weakened the electromagnetic and geomagnetic structure of your Earth plane, a comet approached Earth, destroying the Great Crystal, and with it, pieces of the continent of Atlantis. This comet soared into the western shores of Atlantis, close to where Charleston, South Carolina is today. In the South western region, one of the two largest pieces struck the main body of Atlantis. Portions of Atlantis sunk as it broke into several islands, leaving three main islands, Poseida, Aryan and Og. Over time, through the continued abuse of the Great Crystal, you shifted to the lower octaves of fourth dimensional consciousness, and later, following the Martian experiment, you would shift from a fourth dimensional consciousness to a third dimensional consciousness, with many of you beginning to doubt your infinite eternal connection to Mother/Father God. As the comet was approaching Earth, you were able to see it in space. The Martians wanted to use the Great Crystal to destroy the comet in space, but most of the Atlanteans, wanted to allow the comet to approach the Earth, thinking that it would land in your ocean without causing too much destruction. As it happened, sweet ones, the comet did not land in the ocean! It hit Atlantis! In fact, as it hit Atlantis, due to the weakened electromagnetic and geomagnetic grids created through the abuse of the Great Crystal, it greatly destroyed your Earth plane. And when pieces of the comet landed in the South western region, it landed where most of the Martians were living, killing many of them. This caused an even bigger rift between the Martians and Atlanteans, who were now determined to take control. Over time the Martians plotted and schemed, and fuelled by anger, decided that they would create a synthetic Merkaba like they had done nearly a million years ago on their own planet. At this stage, you were still mostly at a fourth dimensional level of consciousness, and the Martians wanted to create a frenzy of lower dimensional activity. The idea was to activate this synthetic Merkaba, and dimensionally shift your Earth plane to a three dimensional frequency of amplified human miscreations, which would allow the Martians control through external power and domination. They also understood the sacred geometries of the Christ Consciousness grid around this Earth plane, and within this Solar System. They knew that by creating this synthetic Merkaba and specifically using the shape of the star tetrahedron, they would interfere with the connection of all Life to the Christ Consciousness grid, and your original Divine eight-cell blueprint. However, they were unable to remember the technology, and this experiment which took place in approximately 11 000 B.C., was considered a failure, although in many ways it achieved its purpose, through the near destruction of you and your planet. This synthetic Merkaba spiraled completely out of control, ripping open the lower dimensions on the Earth plane, and completely destroying the Christ Consciousness grid around the Earth plane as well as your original divine encoding through your eight-cell blueprint and the Star of Melchizedek. Furthermore, millions of laggard Souls who were waiting to incarnate onto this Earth plane through the lower dimensions, entered the bodies of Humanity, and you sweet ones, and almost every sentient Being on this Planet, entered into an era of darkness. In addition, this synthetic Merkaba, which is now at the bottom of the Ocean bed beneath what you call the Bermuda Triangle, distorted the Patterns of Perfection through many dimensions and planes of existence.
At this point, sweet Ambassadors, we would like to digress slightly to explain how this action affected Atlantis and the Halls of Amenti. Atlantis was Overseen by a physically manifest Cosmic Being who was known as the “Dweller on Unal” or “Master Horlet”. At this time, Master Horlet resided in a gateway or dwelling known as Temple Unal, a square Temple three miles wide and one mile high, which existed ninth dimensionally within the ethers of your Earth plane. And within Unal, there existed a gateway to Amenti, where the cold Flower of Life exists eternally. Now directly opposite this Temple, Master Horlet constructed the Temple Undal, and divided it into two sections. The training of the Priesthood took place one the one side over a period of fifteen years, and on the other side of the Temple Undal, training of the scientists and philosophers occurred. Master Horlet was the Cosmic Being who instructed Thoth, as a Master of Wisdom, to take the Atlantean records of your Highest Potential as well as nine master crystals, and go to the land of Khem, which was later to be known as Egypt. Due to the Martian experiment, Master Horlet assisted the Cosmic Lords of Amenti, Sanat Kumara and Nature Intelligence in the sinking of Atlantis, and further, the Temple Unal and the Temple Undal were also sunk just after the Fall of Atlantis. This natural tragedy prevented the many wonderful teachings through the Halls of Amenti to be available to Humanity, and in ancient Egypt, these teachings were only available to advanced initiates - until you were able to work with the Bermuda Triangle, to correct the artificial space-time warp created through the Martian experiment, and further, unveil the Etheric Records of Atlantis, which occurred sweet ones, by the Grace of God, in 2001. Etherically Temple Unal and the Temple of Undal have arisen, and the gateway to Amenti has reopened, so we can again bring you many of these ancient teachings from the Halls of Amenti, and make these teachings available to all seekers of the Light.
Additionally, sweet ones, you are now able to experience the energy emanating from the 12 Pyramids of Light around the Unity Grid of Divine Love, and in this transmission, we take you into the etheric Pyramid of Atlantis, Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, with Thoth as your Master Guide, so you may experience All That You Are as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light. And you will understand what happened in the game of Light vs. Darkness. And you will remember what you must do. All is One, sweet ones, and all is Love.
The Pyramid of Atlantis etherically houses the 12 Master Crystals from Atlantis, which opens the dimensional portals to all dimensions of Light, to all Golden Ages of Light, and with this, allows the Crystalline Consciousness emanating from these Master Crystals to activate at a cellular level, and through the chakras, taking you beyond the illusion of realities in time on this Earth plane. To the knowing sweet ones, that you are supreme creator in form within the quantum crystalline field of One Unity Consciousness. To heal what needs to be healed, and to truly experience and know yourselves in your full magnificence and Light through the celebration of the Divinity of every thought, feeling and action.
So, let us now set our sacred space, and we guide you in this transmission of Divine Love.
Overlighted by Mother/Father God, you call in the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light. The Sirian Archangelic League of the Light further come forward now to wrap you in their beautiful silver-gold flame of Galactic Christ Consciousness, taking you deeper into the healing of your wounds of relationships, into the re-balancing of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies, into a recalibration and experience of Tantra, Union with the Divine.
And now you call upon the Order of Melchizedek and Lord Melchizedek.
You call in the Ascended Masters.
You call in the Archangels and their Divine Feminine counterparts.
You call in the Mighty Elohim.
You call in Lord Melchior, the Galactic Logos, Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logii, Sanat Kumara, the bridge to Solar Christ Consciousness, and Lord Buddha, the Planetary Logos.
And now, you call in your Master Guides, Guardian Angel and all other Beings of Light of you personally acknowledge, as you merge now with your Beloved I Am Presence, the Highest Light that you within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
You call in the Ascended Masters.
You call in the Archangels and their Divine Feminine counterparts.
You call in the Mighty Elohim.
You call in Lord Melchior, the Galactic Logos, Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logii, Sanat Kumara, the bridge to Solar Christ Consciousness, and Lord Buddha, the Planetary Logos.
And now, you call in your Master Guides, Guardian Angel and all other Beings of Light of you personally acknowledge, as you merge now with your Beloved I Am Presence, the Highest Light that you within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
And now, sweet ones, ground into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, into her Crystal Core of Divine Love, breathing deep into the body, expanding the lower abdomen as you breath in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breath out. Feeling your connection through the Unity Grid of Divine Love to all the light workers and star seeded ones, and to all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High assisting you in this ascension journey of Light.
And now sweet ones, you find yourselves being placed in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light. With Thoth by your side, you now travel through the Grids of Divine Love, entering now, into the Pyramid of Atlantis.
You are welcomed and greeted by Arlis-Cochizel, who leads you into a Temple of Crystals, and as you start to experience these crystalline frequencies sweet ones, the sub-atomic particles within your body now spin in increased Light frequencies. All around you, you see the most beautiful crystals, some immensely large, shimmering and radiant in the Light of Creation.
Arlis-Cochizel invites you now to experience the energy of twelve Master Crystals of Atlantis. You are delighted to accept and now find yourselves within the central Atlantean Crystal Temple of God’s Infinite Creation, Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Atla-Ra Scientist Priesthood, Arlis-Cochizel, Thoth, your Master Guides and your Beloved I Am Presence.
Sweet ones, these twelve Master Crystals will be anchored through the 12 primary chakras within your bodies, and with this, will take you into the knowing of yourselves in your full magnificence and Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and into the Golden Age of Atlantis, activating all the gifts and healing energies that you may need in this Now. We will not be going into much details of the Atlantean Crystals at this time, so simply tune in and receive all that you need to from each crystal in this Now, sweet ones.
As you bring your focus to the Earth Star Chakra, found approximately30 centimeters below your feet, the Diamond Crystal of Multidimensional Interface connects now, activating within the Earth Star Chakra and bringing with it a deeper knowing and connection to your multidimensional selves and all Golden Ages of Light.
As you bring your focus to the Earth Star Chakra, found approximately
And now sweet ones, you activate the first of the twelve Golden Solar Sun Disc discs within the Earth Star Chakra, linking you into the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love.
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Wonderful, sweet ones. And now the Ruby Fire Crystal of Energy activates within the Base Chakra, bringing with it a deeper sense of vitality, passion, energy, rootedness and centeredness. And now sweet ones, you activate the second Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the base chakra.
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And now, sweet ones, the Rose Crystal of Creative Energy activates within the Sacral Chakra, taking you deep into your creative sexual energy, as the third Golden Solar Sun Disc disc activates within the Sacral Chakra.
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Good. And now within the Solar Plexus Chakra activates the Sacred Crystal of Thoth, and through the Seat of the Soul you are taken into the Golden Ages of the Teachings of Light and the knowing of the dimensions upon dimensions through the Sun, the Central Sun, the Great Central Sun, the Great, Great Central Sun, and all dimensions of Light. And now sweet ones, you activate the fourth Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the Solar Plexus Chakra.
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Wonderful. The Emerald Crystal of Healing now activates within the Heart Chakra, taking you deep into the healing sweet ones, on any level, of the wounds of your relationships, healing on any level that needs to occur for you, and the activation of your healing abilities and gifts, as you further activate the fifth Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the Heart Chakra, taking you deeper into the Soul Matrix, into the energy of the Love of yourself, and the Love of All Creation.
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And now the Gold Crystal of Healing Regeneration activates through the Thymus Chakra, taking you deeper into regeneration, rejuvenation and youthing of the physical body, sweet ones, as you now activate the sixth Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the Thymus Chakra.
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Good, sweet ones. And now the Violet Crystal of Sound activates within the Throat Chakra, taking you deep into your own Soul Vibration, into your heart, connecting the heart and the throat and your Soul Note, as you further activate the seventh Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the Throat Chakra.
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And now the Blue Crystal of Knowledge activates within the Third Eye, bringing a greater level of wisdom, insight, and illumination of the Golden Ages of Light and the Christed Timelines, as you now activate the eighth Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the Third Eye.
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Wonderful, sweet ones. And now the Platinum Crystal of Communication activates through the Crown Chakra as a recalibration further takes place between the pituitary, the pineal, the hypothalamus and thalamus glands as you activate now the ninth Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the Crown Chakra.
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Wonderful, sweet ones. And now the Silver Crystal of Divine Love activates within the Divine Feminine Chakra found next to the top of the head on the left side of the body, as you further activate this tenth Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the Divine Feminine Chakra.
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Wonderful, sweet ones. Now the Golden-White Crystal of Unity Consciousness activates within the Divine Masculine Chakra found to the side of the head on the right side of the body as you further activate the eleventh Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within this Divine Masculine Chakra.
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And now, sweet ones, the Sun-Moon Crystal of Light activates within the Sun Star Chakra ~ bringing about a balancing and re-balancing of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies, and your connection to God, as you now activate the twelfth Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the Sun Star Chakra.
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Good, sweet ones. You now link into the Sun, the Central Sun, the Galactic Center, and now Great Central Sun as you are wrapped once more in this beautiful Silver-Gold Flame of Galactic Christ Consciousness ~ having a sense now of these Christed Timelines that activate for you, taking you into this Golden Age of Atlantis and bringing these Teachings of Light, of the “Law of One” into this Now.
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Wonderful, sweet ones. And now the Ruby Fire Crystal of Energy activates within the Base Chakra, bringing with it a deeper sense of vitality, passion, energy, rootedness and centeredness. And now sweet ones, you activate the second Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the base chakra.
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And now, sweet ones, the Rose Crystal of Creative Energy activates within the Sacral Chakra, taking you deep into your creative sexual energy, as the third Golden Solar Sun Disc disc activates within the Sacral Chakra.
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Good. And now within the Solar Plexus Chakra activates the Sacred Crystal of Thoth, and through the Seat of the Soul you are taken into the Golden Ages of the Teachings of Light and the knowing of the dimensions upon dimensions through the Sun, the Central Sun, the Great Central Sun, the Great, Great Central Sun, and all dimensions of Light. And now sweet ones, you activate the fourth Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the Solar Plexus Chakra.
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Wonderful. The Emerald Crystal of Healing now activates within the Heart Chakra, taking you deep into the healing sweet ones, on any level, of the wounds of your relationships, healing on any level that needs to occur for you, and the activation of your healing abilities and gifts, as you further activate the fifth Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the Heart Chakra, taking you deeper into the Soul Matrix, into the energy of the Love of yourself, and the Love of All Creation.
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And now the Gold Crystal of Healing Regeneration activates through the Thymus Chakra, taking you deeper into regeneration, rejuvenation and youthing of the physical body, sweet ones, as you now activate the sixth Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the Thymus Chakra.
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Good, sweet ones. And now the Violet Crystal of Sound activates within the Throat Chakra, taking you deep into your own Soul Vibration, into your heart, connecting the heart and the throat and your Soul Note, as you further activate the seventh Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the Throat Chakra.
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And now the Blue Crystal of Knowledge activates within the Third Eye, bringing a greater level of wisdom, insight, and illumination of the Golden Ages of Light and the Christed Timelines, as you now activate the eighth Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the Third Eye.
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Wonderful, sweet ones. And now the Platinum Crystal of Communication activates through the Crown Chakra as a recalibration further takes place between the pituitary, the pineal, the hypothalamus and thalamus glands as you activate now the ninth Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the Crown Chakra.
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Wonderful, sweet ones. And now the Silver Crystal of Divine Love activates within the Divine Feminine Chakra found next to the top of the head on the left side of the body, as you further activate this tenth Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the Divine Feminine Chakra.
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Wonderful, sweet ones. Now the Golden-White Crystal of Unity Consciousness activates within the Divine Masculine Chakra found to the side of the head on the right side of the body as you further activate the eleventh Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within this Divine Masculine Chakra.
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And now, sweet ones, the Sun-Moon Crystal of Light activates within the Sun Star Chakra ~ bringing about a balancing and re-balancing of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies, and your connection to God, as you now activate the twelfth Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within the Sun Star Chakra.
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Good, sweet ones. You now link into the Sun, the Central Sun, the Galactic Center, and now Great Central Sun as you are wrapped once more in this beautiful Silver-Gold Flame of Galactic Christ Consciousness ~ having a sense now of these Christed Timelines that activate for you, taking you into this Golden Age of Atlantis and bringing these Teachings of Light, of the “Law of One” into this Now.
You connect now into the 144 Satellites within and around the Unity Grid through the Golden Solar Sun discs, and these etheric crystals of Atlantis as well as the physical Atlantean Crystals that are within this sacred Earth, sweet ones, anchoring and activating these new Golden Age key codes of Unity Consciousness, for all humanity and for all life on this sacred Earth.
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Good, sweet ones. These memories will activate for each one of you at a deeper level and in our monthly telewebinar transmission we will give you more details about these beautiful Master Crystals, as well as taking you in Soul consciousness into the Halls of Amenti. The Crystalline matrix activates deeply now at a cellular level within the body as the carbon based cells experience the Illumination of God’s Infinite Creation and Divine Love and Unity Consciousness.
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Good, sweet ones. These memories will activate for each one of you at a deeper level and in our monthly telewebinar transmission we will give you more details about these beautiful Master Crystals, as well as taking you in Soul consciousness into the Halls of Amenti. The Crystalline matrix activates deeply now at a cellular level within the body as the carbon based cells experience the Illumination of God’s Infinite Creation and Divine Love and Unity Consciousness.
You now find yourselves traveling back into your sacred space in your external Merkaba Vehicles of Light, coming fully back into your bodies, back into your sacred space, as you thank all these Illumined Beings of Light from On High. Grounding once more now into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, centered and aligned to the Divine, merging once more with your Beloved I AM Presence, in the knowing, sweet ones, of yourselves as the priests and priestesses and initiates of Light. In your own time you open your eyes, being fully present, looking through your Master Eyes at all of Life around you, in the knowing of your ability to move beyond the veils of Illusion and experience all multi-dimensional realities and embrace the Divinity within all of God’s Creation. And we thank you for your service work, sweet ones, and we bless you, and with this we wish you a most magical day.
Transcribed by Eadie Miller
četrtek, 9. april 2015
“Espavo – ta mogočna beseda je bila uporabljena v starodavnih časih Mu (Lemurije) kot dobrodošlica in za nasvidenje. Dobesedno prevedena pomeni: “Hvala, ker si v svoji moči.” ESPAVO. Pomembno je, da se RE-MEMBER (spomnimo in postanemo ponovno člani-varuhi) te pomembne besede… Pomisli o tem za trenutek.”
Espavo beseda ti pomaga spomniti se svojega pravega mesta v Univerzumu.
Iz knjige Bliss and Blessings, Star Riparetti
torek, 7. april 2015
Ste tudi vi opazili, da so zadnje generacije otrok popolnoma drugačne od preteklih? Niso ubogljivi, nikogar ne spoštujejo, za šolo jim je malo mar, so brez slabe vesti... Ne, za to ni kriva televizija, pa tudi računalnik, video igrice in čedalje bolj ležeren stil življenja ne.
Značilnosti sodobnih otrok na splošno gledano predstavljajo nov pomemben korak v evoluciji človeštva, v svojem bistvu pa ne gre za nič drugega kot za – energijo.
Za termin indigo otroci ste verjetno že slišali, prav tako za čakre in za avro. In prav v njih se skriva ključna značilnost novodobnih otrok, po kateri so tudi dobili svoje ime.
Energetsko polje ali avra
Vsako človeško telo ima svoje energetsko polje oziroma avro, ki se v ovalni obliki manifestira okrog našega telesa in na nek način odseva delovanje sedmih posameznih energetskih centrov ali čaker v našem telesu. Avra po navadi ni nikoli enobarvna, temveč se v njej barve prelivajo, odvisno od moči delovanja naših posameznih čaker, v splošnem pa velja, da močnejša ko je naša povezanost z duhovnim svetom in tako imenovanimi višjimi dimenzijami, bolj imamo odprte zgornje čakre, ki predstavljajo duhovno obliko zavedanja.
Primer: Če imamo v avri močno izraženo rdečo barvo (ki je barva prve, korenske čakre), to pomeni, da imamo močno voljo do življenja, smo samozavestni in usmerjeni v materialno delovanje; če imamo več rumene barve, to pomeni, da imamo zelo močno osebnost, da smo ambiciozni in sposobni premakniti tudi gore, če tako hočemo; če imamo veliko zelene barve, pa imamo zelo odprto srce in smo sposobni brezpogojnega prejemanja in dajanja ljubezni.
Evolucija človeštva z vidika čaker
Tako kot človek počasi odpira in uravnoveša vseh sedem čaker v svojem telesu in se iz prvinskega fizičnega zavedanja svojega telesa (korenska čakra) počasi začne zavedati tudi svojih duhovnih sposobnosti in povezanosti z nevidnimi dimenzijami (kronska čakra), tako se razvija tudi naše človeštvo, ki je od pradavnine naprej počasi napredovalo tudi na energetski lestvici splošnega bivanja.
Zgodovino človeštva lahko tako malce poenostavljeno primerjamo tudi z delovanjem naših čaker. V pradavnini, ko je bil človek v prvi meri primoran poskrbeti za lastno preživetje in so se naša telesa šele dobro razvijala in pridobivala svojo sedanjo podobo, je bila najbolj izražena korenska čakra oziroma rdeča barva, kasneje je bila v ospredju spolna čakra, ki je povezana z našim ustvarjanjem, učenjem in reprodukcijo (nastanek civilizacij, bivalnih naselij, umetnosti, večanje prebivalstva), nato tretja čakra, ki se je v globalnem smislu razvoja in učenja človeštva izražala v merjenju moči med posameznimi narodi (npr. osvajalske vojne in druge vrste konfliktov), s četrto čakro, ki ji pravimo srčna čakra, pa je človeštvo začelo počasi odpirati tudi srce (rojstvo Jezusa kot poosebljenje brezpogojne ljubezni in razmah religij, katerih namen je bil pomagati človeštvu pri njegovem duhovnem razvoju, a se je to kasneje izjalovilo v še več konfliktov verske narave).
Višek v materialnem razvoju
Sodobno družbo, ki jo zaznamujejo različne inovacije, od telefona in radia pa do televizije, satelitov, računalnikov, interneta in podobnih oblik globalnih komunikacij, v energetskem smislu simbolizira peta čakra, ki je modra in ki je odgovorna za naš govor, samoizražanje in različne oblike komunikacij. V materialnem smislu je na tej stopnji človek dosegel že skoraj vse, kar lahko, saj si je prek stoletij delovanja končno ustvaril udobno bivanje, v katerem lahko uživa v materialnih sadovih svojega dela.
Ko je človek prvič stopil na Luno, se je vse človeštvo spraševalo, kaj (če sploh kaj), je na vrsti po tem, prepričani, da se je s tem na nek način zaključilo človeško pehanje v večni tekmi za prestižem, ki naj bi pokazala, kdo je najboljši. Toda naša evolucija je prav v trenutku domnevnega vrhunca doživela za marsikaterega prebivalca našega planeta nepričakovan preobrat.
Prihod indigo otrok
Ko smo mislili, da smo doživeli in izkusili že vse, kar lahko, in verjeli, da smo v materialnem in moralnem smislu doživeli vrhunec človeške civilizacije, so se na našem planetu začeli rojevati tako imenovani indigo otroci. Poenostavljeno povedano so indigo otroci eni izmed prvih znanilcev novega obdobja človeštva, ki ne temelji na materialnih in mentalnih strukturah, ki jih ljudje dandanes jemljemo za samoumevno, temveč na duhovnih, višjedimenzionalnih nivojih zavedanja, ki jih v naši, četrti dimenziji bivanja, s prostim očesom ne moremo zaznati.
Prve skupine duš oziroma ljudi, pri katerih je prevladovala indigo barva, so se pravzaprav začeli rojevati že v začetku sedemdesetih let (čeprav so se posamezne duše s prevladujočo indigo barvo rojevale že prej, a ne tako množično), v osemdesetih in devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja pa se je njihovo število znatno povečalo.
In zakaj so ti otroci (med katerimi so nekateri že odrasli ljudje v srednjih letih) nekaj tako posebnega?
Naporni uporniki
Indigo otroci so znani predvsem po svoji trmoglavosti, neposlušnosti in občutku, da so nekaj posebnega, obenem pa se upirajo samoumevnim vzorcem bivanja in delovanja. Če bi njihove lastnosti morali strniti v dve besedi, bi rekli, da so naporni uporniki, saj se po navadi ne zmenijo za pravila ali pa se jim upirajo, s tem pa svojim staršem, učiteljem, šefom itd. povzročajo čedalje več sivih las. In zakaj so takšni?
Zato, ker se bo človeštvo, ki trmasto vztraja pri svojih zastarelih predstavah o življenju in družbi, v kateri živimo, le na tak način lahko rešilo zastarelih materialnih in mentalnih konceptov bivanja in se usmerilo v drugačen način razmišljanja in delovanja, ki ne bo temeljilo na samoumevnem sprejemanju materialnega in arogantnem omalovaževanju in neupoštevanju vsega tistega, kar je očem nevidno, a zato nič manj resnično.
Dandanes so pravzaprav avre vseh otrok bodisi indigo barve ali pa barv, ki predstavljajo še višjo stopnjo zavesti (na te vrste otrok, ki so znani kot kristalni in mavrični otroci, se bomo osredotočili kdaj drugič). To pomeni, da je proces prehajanja v višje dimenzije bivanja čedalje intenzivnejši in hitrejši in da čedalje bolj vpliva na naša življenja, tako zelo, da se mu ne moremo več izmikati. Kljub temu pa naš svet še vedno vztraja pri dobrem starem verovanju v okostenele družbene strukture in tako imenovane tradicionalne koncepte, ki več nimajo veliko zveze s sodobnim načinom razmišljanja.
Spremembe vodijo k napredku
Naloga, ki so si jo zadali indigo otroci na našem planetu, zato ni lahka. In bolj ko se okostenele strukture in s tem ljudje, ki verjamejo vanje, upirajo spremembam, bolj uporniški in »naporni« postajajo indigo otroci. In bolj ko se novodobni otroci trudijo druge prepričati, naj na svet pogledajo tudi prek njihovih oči, bolj se drugi trudijo, da bi jih prisilili v življenje, ki temelji na zastarelih konceptih, takšnih, ki pač ustrezajo njim in v katere so se pač rodili oni. Posledica tega je čedalje več trpinčenih in prestrašenih otrok, izčrpanih staršev, razbitih družin, čedalje neustreznejši šolski sistem ter politične in družbene zdrahe vseh vrst.
Drugačen način razmišljanja namreč terja tudi spremembe v naših vsakdanjih predstavah o ljubezni (npr. homoseksualnost), spolu (androgenost, tretji spol, transseksualnost), izobraževanju (nove vrste šolskih kurikulumov, nove vrste učenj, ki ne čislajo učenja na pamet, temveč refleksivno razmišljanje, drugačna vloga učiteljev, ki nima le monologa pred tablo, temveč se odziva na razmišljanje svojih učencev), denarju (zastarel sistem delitve denarja in bančništva, pretirana osredotočenost na materialno veljavo v družbi), politiki, družbenih institucijah in življenju nasploh.
Vsak zase se moramo vprašati, če smo tega sposobni in v kolikšni meri se lahko vsak dan potrudimo, da se znebimo določenih predsodkov do nečesa, kar nam je neznano, nečesa, kar tako odstopa od tega, kar smo vedno jemali za samoumevno. Če kaj, se v odnosu nas samih do novodobnih otrok in vseh, ki razmišljajo in živijo drugače, kot živimo mi, zrcali predvsem stopnja našega strahu pred neznanim in stopnja zaupanja v to, kar prihaja.
Manj nas bo strah drugačnih pogledov na svet, bolj bomo zaupali v prihodnost in se odprli ljubezni, ki je glavno gonilo vsega, kar obstaja. Le iz tega se lahko rodi sočutje, razumevanje, sodelovanje, spreminjanje in posledično nova doba človeštva.
Značilnosti indigo otrok
In za konec še nekaj značilnosti, ki jih povzemajo strokovnjaki na področju indigo otrok, po katerih boste tudi vi zlahka prepoznali, če ste eden izmed indigo otrok in s tem eden izmed nosilcev nove dobe, ali pa morda poznate koga, ki to je. Pri tem naj opozorimo, da ni nujno, da se pri vseh indigo otrocih izražajo vse naštete lastnosti; ena je lahko bolj izražena od druge, v vsakem primeru pa lahko iz njihovega obnašanja in pogleda na svet sklepate, da so ne boljši ne slabši od drugih, temveč drugačni.
Torej, indigo otroci so:
• Izredno občutljivi in zelo intuitivni;
• Bojevniki miru, kar pomeni, da so lahko zelo vzkipljivi in da krčevito branijo svoja prepričanja;
• Močno si želijo služiti človeštvu;
• Na naš svet pridejo s prirojenim občutkom pomembnosti in se tako pogosto tudi obnašajo (Ljudje takšno obnašanje pogosto zamenjujemo z občutkom večvrednosti in pretirane samozavesti.);
• Občutek imajo, da si »zaslužijo biti tu«, in so zelo presenečeni, ker drugi tega ne čutijo;
• Izredno samozavestni in se zavedajo svoje vrednosti, kar zelo pogosto omenijo tudi svojim staršem;
• Imajo težave s samoumevno avtoriteto.
• Nekaterih stvari preprosto ne bodo naredili (na primer čakali v dolgi vrsti);
• Jezijo jih sistemi, ki so obredno naravnani, zastareli in ne dovoljujejo inovativnosti in kreativnosti;
• Pogosto se spomnijo boljših načinov delovanja, tako doma kot v službi in v šoli, zaradi česar se zdijo uporniški, neprilagodljivi, težavni in v skrajnem primeru nevarni za sistem;
• Zdijo se nedružabni, razen v primeru, ko se družijo z enako mislečimi. Če v bližini ni nikogar, ki jim je podoben, se povlečejo vase in imajo občutek, da jih nihče ne razume. Zastareli šolski sistem jim tudi v družabnem smislu lahko zato predstavlja velike težave;
• Ne odzivajo se na očitke in kaznovanja, ki temeljijo na zbujanju slabe vesti, saj nimajo slabe vesti glede svojih razmišljanj in dejanj;
• Ni jih sram povedati, kaj potrebujejo.• Zdravniki jim pogosto postavijo diagnozo, povezano z motnjo pozornosti (ADD, ADHD), disleksijo ali drugimi težavami z učenjem;•
Veljajo za kreativne ali intelektualne genije.
Vir: splet
četrtek, 2. april 2015
Amazonski večer
Amazonski večer z nagualom Uchujem – potovanje h Kaxinawa Indijancem, 9.4.2015
Četrtek, 9. april 2015, ob 19.00h
Gimnazija Kranj , Koroška cesta 13, Kranj
Predavalnica 17, če se nas zbere več, bo dogodek prestavljen v večjo učilnico. O vsem bomo prijavljene sproti obvestili.
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